четвртак, 10. децембар 2015.

League of Legends: Legend Of The Poro King

Whats up guys im back and i have awesome news, the game mode: legend of the poro king, came out today on eune, so grab your poro and enjoy the game mode while you still can.
Here are some tips from me that would be useful in this game mode, there pretty simple tips:
1. Throw your poro when you have the chance of hitting the enemy
2. Dodging enemy poros is very useful in this game mode because if they dont hit you, they will get a harder chance of wining.
3. Pick Champions that have ultimate powers for team fights, like annie,lux,brand
4. Range Champions are better in this game mode.
This is my opinion, so dont be hating if you dont like it. But anyways guys enjoy the game mode and i will see you in the next post.

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