петак, 19. децембар 2014.

League of Legends top 5 Junglers =D

Hey guys back again and lets blog about League of Legends top 5 Junglers.
Number 5: Riven
I know that Riven is mostly a top champion but she can be a mad jungler because of her stuns.
Number 4: Master yi
We all know that master yi can be a awesome jungler if played right.
 Number 3: Warwick
Ww is one of the greatest jungler because of his health regeneration and because of his ulty who can garanty you a kill.
Number 2: Jaravan
Jaravan is a really great jungler because of his combo.
Number 1: Rek Sai
Rek Sai is the best jungler ever and he is really hardcore.

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