Hey guys back again and lets blog about my top 5 games that i liked to play when i was a kid.
These games that i will mention, where me favorite games when i was a kid and also i played these games around age 7 to 12, and i just want to tell you guys that im a teen, age: ............... (count the points if you want to know me age). Anyways lets get back to the post.
Number 5:
Stronghold Legends
I started to play this game when i was 12, the game is about King Arthur, you making a village, creating an army so you can defeat your enemy and lots of more. How to win in this game? Well you have to kill your enemies leader that is their king. You can pick witch leader you want to play with and you also have friends that you can help if they get attacked. Its a really fun game. And also maybe i played this game when i was 13 i really dont remember good.
Number 4: Worms Mayhem 4
I use to love worms when i was a kid. I started to play this game when i was 8 or 9. Its really a great game because in this part of the worms, you can make your team wear funny hats, glasses, gloves. You can also make your own weapons. Its a really fun game and the game can be very funny.
Number 3: The Sims 2
I love this game and i started to play it when i was 8. This game made me addicted to it when i was a kid, i played it like 4 hours in a day and i bought all of the sims parts like: open for business, university and lots of more. I used to love making big families, making business and using cheats so i can have cash. This game is awesome.
Number 2:
The Hobbit
I loved this game because i love to destroy enemies with swords and walking sticks, collect diamonds and solve tasks. I started to play this game when is was 8 or 7. It is a really awesome game because i love adventure games and killing new enemies. I loved this game, i still do but not that much when i was 8.
Number 1: Age of Mythology
This was me favorite game when i was a kid, i started to play it around age 7 or 8. I love to do missions in this game, because its a great story and also in some parts can be funny. As a kid i loved to make huge armies and destroy enemies and i also loved to make villages. I also have the continuing of the game called The Titans. This was the best game in me childhood and i played it the most.
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